Nepal’s UNFCCC COP21 Position
Dec 31, 2015

Nepal’s UNFCCC COP21 Position


As the climate change impacts are increasing around the world, agreement on a legally binding international treaty to address this grave problem was urgent. World’s 195 countries came together in Paris, France from 30 November to 11 December 2015 to decide on a new climate treaty. This meeting was the 21st session of the Conference of Parties (COP21) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). In this regard, as a party to the UNFCCC, Nepal too had its say in the decision. Hence, it was important for Nepal to prepare well ahead for the conference and put up its minimum negotiating key asks. It was also important that this was done in a participatory basis involving broader stakeholders.

Thus, under the leadership of Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (MoSTE)  [now referred as Ministry of Population and Environment (MoPE)], with technical support from Prakriti Resources Centre (PRC) and general support from various collaborating individuals and organizations, a draft Nepal’s Key issues in relation to COP21/CMP11 was prepared. This was done in a consultative basis through various activities.


  1. Formation of ‘Nepal’s Key Issues for UNFCCC COP21’ Drafting Team
  2. Thematic Consultations -Nepal’s Key Issues for UNFCCC COP 21
    • Consultation Workshop on Climate Finance
    • Consultation Program on Adaptation and Loss and Damage; Mitigation and REDD and Technology and Capacity Building
  3. Publications
    • Key Issues for Nepal COP21/CMP11
    • Paris Agreement on Climate Change: What it means for Nepal
    • Paris Agreement
  4. Consultation on Climate Change: Expectations from UNFCCC COP 21/ CMP 11
  5. Consultation on Paris Climate Agreement: How Can Nepal Benefit

Outcomes and Conclusion

During the project duration, various consultation programs were organized which supported the Ministry of Population and Environment to develop Nepal’s positions for the UNFCCC COP 21 and identified priorities set by the Paris Agreement.  Publications helped further to enhance understanding of the readers on key issues of climate negotiations.

Overall, the initiative has helped a lot to interact, inform and prepare well before attending an important conference like COP21. It has also helped to share information among stakeholders and consider public opinion on the key ask and position of the country. Positive response has been received from wide stakeholders with requests to continue such efforts in the future.