
Time to act towards climate-resilient sustainable development

The late 2015 saw two global conclaves—on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and on Climate Change taking center-stage for efforts aimed at overcoming pressing challenges before the humanity. The two hard-earned global developments that took place in September and December, respectively, have come up with commitments galore to make significant strides towards addressing many of the world’s challenges.

One of the key objectives of the stated 17 SDGs to be effective for the next fifteen years is environmental security focusing on low carbon green growth. Goal 13 calls for urgent actions to combat climate change and its impact on mother earth and human lives.

Importantly, the COP 21 – the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) – recently concluded with the adoption of first legally-binding agreement to cope with climate change and ease the transition to low carbon economies. The global climate summit came up with the deal supported by 195 countries including Nepal after intense multi-dialogue process and negotiation.

Climate change has attracted much attention in recent years, driven to a large extent by the national and international policy debate. Nationally climate change remains an emerging policy theme. “The National Adaptation Plan of Action (NAPA) is considered the pioneering process of shaping climate change works in Nepal. It helped the government to realize the urgency of finalizing climate change policy in 2011”, says Raju Pandit Chhetri, Director of Prakriti Resource Centre, an organization working on climate policy and environment.

See more at: http://www.infonepal.net/english/43315/