Energy Discourse: Implementing Energy Strategy and Action Plan in Province
May 03, 2022 - May 04, 2022

Energy Discourse: Implementing Energy Strategy and Action Plan in Province

Nepal has committed to achieving net-zero emissions by 2045. Through its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), it has targeted to generate 15,000 MW of electricity of which 10-15% will be renewables. To realize this ambitious plan, the engagement and participation of federal, provincial, and local governments are very important. The constitution of Nepal has also provided a provision to work on the promotion of energy to all three tiers of government. The federal government and local government has already started to work on energy development but the provincial government is yet to internalize energy development activities in the province. One of the reasons is the lack of clear mandate and policy documents including human resources.

In this regard, Provincial Energy Strategy and Action Plan documents of Bagmati province and Gandaki province were prepared with the technical support of the MAP for 100% Renewable Energy project and Alternative Energy Promotion Centre.   The event on Energy Discourse: Implementing Energy Strategy and Action Plan in Province was organized on 3-4 May 2022. Representatives from both provincial Ministry of Energy who will be directly involved in the implementation of the energy strategy and action plan participated in the event.

The event focused on the key related sectors/topics included in the strategy and action plan: Energy generation, transmission, and distribution, engagement of stakeholders, use of electricity for electric cooking, transportation, and the industry sector. In the event, the challenges and opportunities of implementation of strategy and action plan were also discussed. The discussion was also done on national and international policies, practices, and challenges to renewable energy and climate change. Mr. Chiranjeewee Chataut, Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation talked about the initiation of the federal government on the development of energy-related projects, plans, and policies and engagement of the ministry with the provincial government to work for the development and promotion of energy. Mr. Milan Dhungana, Under Secretary of the Ministry of Forests and Environment, shared about the initiation of the ministry on the implementation of NDC. He also emphasized the linkage between climate change and energy in Nepal. Dr. Ram Prasad Dhital, an energy expert presented the constitutional provision on energy issues, legal status, regulatory environment, existing industrial structure, and market of energy in Nepal. He also highlighted the energy transition pathway in the provincial context. Mr. Nawa Raj Dhital, Deputy Executive Director of Alternative Energy Promotion Centre discussed the current effort to promote RE, different policies and incentives mechanisms, GCF and other financing opportunities, and AEPC’s linkages with the provincial and local government. Mr. Prabin Man Singh highlighted the energy and climate change nexus, different financing options, and opportunities for Nepal.

The representatives from both provinces discussed some key activities that can be implemented from this FY plan and budget. They also expressed that they can together draft the procedure, and criteria for the promotion of electric cooking in their respective provinces