Prakriti Resources Centre (PRC) along with the support of Society for Awareness Nepal (SCAN) celebrated World Environment Day 2018 themed ‘Beat Plastic Pollution: If you can’t reuse it, refuse it’ by organizing a one day Orientation programme on Plastic pollution for the school students under the Climate School Programme of PRC. A total of 63 students from Nepal Adarsha Secondary School, Kathmandu studying in class 8, 9 and 10 were given the opportunity to attend the programme held in their school. The aim of orientation programme was to make students aware on issues related to plastic and plastic products and its impacts on soil, water, air, human health and so on.
During the program, presentation was done by Sneha Rai of PRC on the topic ‘Plastic pollution.’ Her presentation included informative facts about plastic pollution starting from the birth of plastics to where it ends up. She drew attention of the students towards the disadvantages of being surrounded by plastics and suggested to go for 4Rs (Refuse, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) to beat plastic pollution. The presentation also highlighted on the situation of plastic pollution in Nepal and supported the ban of plastic bag in the country.
The presentation was followed by Quiz session, where the students enthusiastically participated. The students were then given plants in reused plastic bottles to encourage them to reuse the plastic products. The programme then ended with a small closing note from Manju Dangol of SCAN.