We are honest, transparent, and accountable for our actions. We take responsibility for our decisions and act fairly towards the individuals and communities we work for and with. We uphold integrity in our programmes, financial management practices, and relationships with partners, allies, and communities.
We value diversity and consider it a strength in our work and within the organization. We learn from each other’s experiences and engagements, believing that diversity brings about positive change in society.
We are committed to protecting the natural environment. We believe that development should have minimal impact on natural resources and the rights of future generations. Individuals and communities should have fair access to environmental resources.
We ensure that social, economic, and environmental rights are protected for all individuals, regardless of gender, age, caste, ethnicity, or physical and mental abilities. We actively work to bring justice to the individuals and communities we serve.
We recognize that professional development is essential for a sustainable and successful organization. We strive for continuous improvement through training, sharing experiences, learning by doing, and thoughtful reflection.
We are dedicated to minimizing our carbon emissions by optimizing our operational efficiency and reducing emissions to the lowest possible levels. In addition, we are committed to organizing and supporting carbon-offsetting initiatives to further mitigate our environmental impact.